FENCA, the Federation of European National Collection Associations, represents the interests of the European credit management, debt collection and debt purchase sector on the European level, coordinating the exchange with the institutions of the European Union, stakeholders in the European financial services industry, consumer groups and the European public.
Founded in 1993, FENCA’s 23 national member associations represent 75% of all credit management, debt collection and debt purchase companies in Europe and hold 80% of the market share within the EU, with well over 80,000 staff providing services for more than five million businesses, including SMEs, European and overseas banks, as well as the public sector across the EU.
One of the key activities of FENCA is to set and continuously improve business standards and good practices within the sector across the EU, to which its members subscribe in order to provide the best possible service to creditors, clients and consumers alike.
The European credit management, debt collection and debt purchase sector re-injects between 45 and 55 billion Euros of valid claims back into the EU-economy each year, thereby securing above all the liquidity of micro, small and medium enterprises within the EU, while helping to keep the cost of credit at a reasonable level for all consumers.